The journey begins

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How many times have you rattled off a 'very well thanks' when asked how you are? 

How are you really feeling? How am I really feeling?

Would you 'really' like to know that I'm feeling old, fat and unfit? Would you prefer if I went into great detail about all my aches and pains, the food and wine I've had whilst I've been overindulging the last few months, how busy and stressed we are at the studio (and home) and how I haven't had five minutes to really think about 'me' lately. Of course not!

This blog is a positive journey of thoughts, food, recipes, life, things I like and the transformation from the 'bottom' (teary on the bike this morning) to a new me (the me I used to be). It's the journey I'll make with the help of my personal trainer Alex, who has put up with many excuses and his boss Jeff.

Image: Pinterest

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